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Level Crossing Removal Project

The Victorian Government's billion dollar Level Crossing Removal project plans to upgrade around fifty of Melbourne's most dangerous and congested level crossings by 2022. Up to 20 of these locations are scheduled to be completed this year.

Outlook has recently won the contract to manage waste from two of these locations at Carrum and Seaford and as a direct result we will be employing an additional five to eight new staff members. Partnering with Southern Program Alliance as part of the Level Crossing Removal Project, Outlook will remove and recycle materials such as timber sleepers, concrete, plastic and general waste. Roughly 80-90 per cent of the material is recycled and therefor saved from landfill.

The waste material, many truck loads a day, will be processed at our Hampton Park facility.

Recently Shaun Leane MP alongside other government ministers, representatives from the Level Crossing Removal Authority, Southern Program Alliance and Outlook management toured the two removal sites and then Outlook's Hampton Park Transfer Station. The minister was impressed with Outlook's facilities and had an opportunity to meet some of our supported employees.

Ross Cheesewright, Outlook's General Manager of Commercial says that social enterprise promotes inclusion by bringing dignity, empowerment and choice to workers, many of whom come from a disadvantaged background or have a disability. It makes our workforce reflect our community.

Outlook provides a support structure where people of all abilities are able to work together in an inclusive workforce.

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