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Services for employers


Outlook Employment works closely with the employer, in supporting candidates to become valued workers.


Job matching, support and training


As part of Outlook Employment's service to employers we:


  • Work closely with employers to match them with the right employee

  • Provide quality candidates

  • Support employers setting up a new position

  • Provide ongoing support for the employee and employer once they are placed in work

  • Provide on the job support and on-site training when required

  • Assist eligible employers to access various subsidies and rebates

  • Can arrange work experience/trials


A diverse workforce is good for business


  • A more diverse workplace can improve morale, creativity and teamwork

  • Employers who do not consider people with disabilities, miss out on a large pool of talent

  • People with disabilities tend to have fewer workplace absences

  • A diverse workforce is representative of our community, as one in five Australians have a disability

  • A diverse workplace can attract more diverse customers and a better understanding of their needs

  • Being an inclusive workplace, increases the ability of workplaces to retain employees, who may acquire a disability through accident, illness or ageing


Outlook Employment strives to provide a professional service by working with employers to understand their needs and find suitable applicants. Outlook Employment staff are professional, qualified and experienced in assisting people with disabilities.


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