The work we do through our social enterprises is evidence that inclusive businesses can be financially successful, whilst simultaneously creating broader social outcomes for individuals and communities.
Outlook is committed to dynamic and inclusive procurement options that deliver positive social, environmental and financial outcomes to the community and our partners.
Partnering with Outlook offers a commercially viable solution, with a socially focused approach.
To achieve our goals, we partner with business; local, state and Federal governments as well as other social enterprises. Our partnerships provide return on investment, without compromising on social impact.
Social and environmental outcomes include:
Creating meaningful employment and training opportunities for disadvantaged workers
Diverting waste from landfill through resource recovery
Providing low cost goods to the community at Outlook recycled goods shops
Promoting the greening of our environment through the operation of our plant nurseries
We are also able to sub-contract elements of larger contracts to trusted third parties.
Our capabilities include
Waste and resource management, processing and recycling
Civil and environmental engineering
Contract plant nursery supply, landscaping and revegetation
e-Commerce fulfilment, warehousing and pack and send solutions
Community education
Outlook has investment and management capability over and above our day to day operations. We are also open to discussing new ventures and developing new capabilities.
Our social impact commitments
Inclusive workforces
Our goal is to achieve a workforce where up to 25% of employees are people with disability or social disadvantage.
Click below for our feature story:
Award wages and market rates
Wages for our employees are based on Fair Work Australia awards and our professional staff are paid market rates.
Quality assured
Outlook operates an integrated Quality Management System, and is Quality Assured under ISO 9001, holds certification in Environmental, ISO14001 and OHS, AS4801, AS5377 E-Waste and is compliant to the State and Commonwealth Disability Standards, the Disability Act 2006 and Victorian Disability Standards.
Our Partnerships